How to change YouTube thumbnail in YouTube studio

How to change YouTube thumbnail in YouTube studio

Here I will show you how to change change thumbnail from Android Mobile, iOS device and personal computer.


YouTube studio is a modification tools for YouTube videos, also called a YouTube channel dashboard.

You do more things on YouTube studio like,

  • Change Thumbnail
  • Change Title
  • Change Description
  • Watch your channel analytics and plan for future videos
  • Summary of last 28 days
  • Your channel top videos
  • Latest comments
  • Reach of your channel
  • Engagement
  • Audience  
  • Latest video performance
  • Make custom settings for your channel
  • Suggest Ideas for you etc.

How to change YouTube thumbnail?

Thumbnail is an overview of your video.

Step 1: go to the browser like Google chrome, Mozilla Firefox whichever browser you have.

Type YouTube studio, like below image

search YouTube studio in google

Step 2: Go to the first link YouTube Studio.

click YouTube studio link

Step 3: Enter your Gmail Address and password. You may already sign in your account in browser they directly go to the YouTube studio follow step 5

enter YouTube studio username

Step 4: enter your Gmail Account password.

enter YouTube studio passwords

Step 5: This is your YouTube studio dashboard. I have only shown the thumbnail regard below image, dashboard is large in size and more than one function show on your screen

This is only left pane image of dashboard.

change YouTube thumbnail

Step 6: Click on content tab. Indicate in below image

select content tab in YouTube studio dashboard

Step 7: After click on content tab. Right side all the video shown on published order date. Move your mouse cursor on any video this show the opens like below image. Click on pencil Icon.

edit icon for change thumbnail

Step 8: After you can click on pencil icon. Open the video details. Scroll down and find the Thumbnail like below image.

change YouTube thumbnail

You can find thumbnail portion and click on upload thumbnail and select from your local storage as you want.

In video details, you can edit more then one values like,

  • Update title
  • Update Description
  • Select custom thumbnail
  • Playlist for videos (if you have created)
  • Audience selection
  • You do enter custom tags
  • Select category (based on niche).

Here I have discuss about how to change custom thumbnail on YouTube studio.


Sometime Thumbnail changes are necessary to know the viewers this particular video have a how much view and top ranked or best video ever.

Change in thumbnail is required when you have to mentions your views or subscriber or something special.

If this article found you useful share it to those who are in need of this.

Sharing is caring. 

Also read:

How to Rank Youtube videos in2021

How to make Youtube Thumbnail

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